Our teamThe foundation of the Edmonton O-day’min Primary Care Network is the family physician – patient relationship.

Family physicians are supported by the Edmonton O-day’min Primary Care Network team of healthcare professionals who provide support to our patients. This team includes:

Chronic Disease Management Nurses
Our chronic disease management nurses help patients manage chronic diseases (such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma) and improve their health. They provide individualized support, such as help for new diabetics starting insulin, as well as group classes to patients.

Anticoagulation Management (INR) Nurses
Using a family physician-developed protocol, anticoagulation management nurses work closely with family physicians to provide support to approximately 1,700 Edmonton O-day’min PCN patients who require Coumadin.

Low-Risk Obstetric Nurse
Through MomCare Docs, a low-risk obstetric nurse provides prenatal and postnatal care to obstetric patients.

Dietitians provide nutrition and diet counselling and support to help patients better manage chronic diseases or other dietary restrictions. Patients are supported on an individual basis, and group classes are also offered for patients on topics such as diabetes and hypertension.

Exercise Specialist/Kinesiologist
Exercise specialist/kinesiologists support life-long physical activity through exercise prescription, counselling and education, training and classes for individuals with chronic conditions or those looking for ways to increase activity.

Mental Health Coordinators
Our mental health coordinators are registered social workers who provide short-term support and counselling services, help with income support, classes and referrals to community services.

Psychologists provide individualized psychological supports to individual patients and offer group classes on a variety of topics such stress management, workplace bullying and insomnia.

Our pharmacists support patients and family physicians through the network’s Pharmacist-Led Hospital Discharge Program where pharmacists are able to assist newly discharged patients understand their medications. Pharmacists also complete medication reconciliation, offer smoking cessation classes and provide education support.

Referral Coordinators
Referral coordinators work with family physicians to handle patient referrals to internal and external healthcare providers and specialists. 

Screening Coordinators
Screening coordinators work with family physicians to screen patients according to a physician-developed protocol that includes the Towards Optimized Practice protocols and other measures.   

Through our Specialist Linkages program, patients are able to access specialist clinics within the network, including psychiatrists (child and adult), an orthopedic consultant and cardiologists.